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2019年来到了越南的观光自由行交通工具,除了大城市像是胡志明、河内,岘港外,如果要到大叻,芽庄,美奈,槟椥,美托等其他县市,除了飞机外,还有更酷的新选择,像是越南新咖啡巴士Sinh Tourist也是一个好选择,现在就来介绍越南长途卧铺巴士!
在越南此网站汇集了,越南的所有交通工具。包含了飞机、邮轮、公车、火车。一切路上一栋的工具资讯都在里面唷!! 欢迎查询!!
地点就位于 no. 395 Kinh Duong Vuong, An Lac Ward, Binh Tan District. Due to smaller operating area (12 provinces and 1 administrative city –Can Tho city),
Buses schedule and ticket costs
Tien Giang – Ben Tre
Price: VND 70,000-VND 80,000 ($3.5-$4).
Duration: 1.5 hours-2 hours
Schedule: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 12:00; 13:30; 15:30; 18:30
Vinh Long
Price: VND 85,000 ($4.2)
Duration: 2.5 hours
Schedule: 5:00 a.m -5:30 p.m. (one bus every hour)
Soc Trang
Sleeping bus is also available besides sitting bus.
Price: VND 125,000 ($6.3) for sitting bus and VND 155,000 ($7.6) for sleeping bus
Duration: 5.5 hours
Schedule: 6:30 p.m-11:30 p.m. (one bus every hour)
Rach Gia
Price: VND 125,000 ($6.3)
Duration: 6.5 hours
Schedule: 1 a.m.-11:30 p.m. (one bus every hour)
Can Tho
Price: VND 90,000 ($4.5) for sitting bus and VND 105,000 ($5.3) for sleeping bus
Duration: 3.5 hours
Schedule: 24/24 ( one bus every 30 minutes)
Ca Mau
Price: VND 145,000 ($7.3) for sitting bus and VND 175,000 ($8.8) for sleeping bus.
Duration: 8.5 hours
Schedule: 6a.m.- 11p.m.
Bac Lieu
Price: VND 140,000 ($7) for sitting bus and VND VND 170,000 ($8.5) for sleeping bus
Duration: 6.5 hours
Schedule: 7:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m.,11:30 a.m.,2:30 p.m.,4:30 p.m.,5:30 p.m.,9:30 p.m.
这次我们搭乘的是 FUTABUS,在越南和 新咖啡 都是知名的客运公司。相当于台湾的统联和国光
以下是FUTA BUS的资讯
Office Address: 80 Tran Hung Dao, District 1, HCMC.
Ticket office Address: 272 De Tham, District 1, HCMC.
Phone: 028 3838 6852 Fax: 028 3838 6853
E-mail: hotro@futabus.vn
一上车就有种新鲜的感觉啊! ! !
全部都是卧铺! !超爽的! !
坐着滑! !躺着滑! ! !一下子,就到目的地了! !
超级酷! !
PS. 巴士上都会注明有WIFI,不过几乎无法连线,请大家有心理准备! !
是不是相当的方面呢?来越南 如果要跨成是到其他的地方,不妨使用越南卧铺巴士,不但省钱,座位也是相当的舒适呢! !